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A Greener Goodbye: Natural Organic Reduction for a Lasting Legacy.

What is Terramation?

Terramation is a trademarked name created by the folks at Return Home to describe Natural Organic Reduction (NOR), a new form of disposition for people.

“Terramation gently transforms human remains into life-giving soil using alfalfa, straw, sawdust and time.” Return Home

Terramation (NOR) is not able to offered by BC deathcare providers until the provincial government makes a change to the legislation that governs deathcare services in BC. KORU is actively supporting advocacy efforts to bring awareness of this disposition option to British Columbians and legislators.To lend your voice to this effort, please go to NOR BC to see how you can help. 

How Terramation Works, the Return Home Process

The process begins with a “Laying in Ceremony” which allows for families to say farewell to the one who has died and is laid out in the terramation vessel. 

Terramation relies on oxygen that flows through the vessel to stimulate microbes in the body, thereby rapidly transforming the body into soil in 30 days. 

After 30 days, the terramated soil is screened for inorganics and placed into a cube to rest and cool for an additional 30 days. 

At the end of the process, life-giving soil is ready for families to receive and / or to be scattered at Return Home’s forest property, “The Woodland”. 

Return Home's unique terramation garment.

Ngaio visiting Return Home. The terramation vessel.

Terramated remains ready for families to receive.

How KORU and Return Home work together

Let KORU be your guide to help return your deceased person into life-giving soil.  

When a person dies in Metro Vancouver and terramation has been requested, KORU Cremation | Burial | Ceremony can take care of the logistics so that Return Home’s unique terramation process can be delivered. 

KORU will arrange for all of the essential services that will need to be taken care of in Vancouver beforehand  (transportation needs, initial care of the deceased body, registration of death, required documentation, obituary notice, all required communication and planning with Return Home). 

Families are welcome to attend Return Home’s place of practice at any time once the deceased is in their care. This includes participating in the laying-in ceremony and visiting your person’s terramation vessel during the first 30 days. 

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