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Advance Care Planning Sessions

No one should be alone in the healthcare system. It is too complex, fast paced, and ever-changing.

The goal:

  • That every person in Metro Vancouver understands Advance Care Planning.
  • That every person who has children has a Representation Agreement and understands the massive need for living insurance (disability, critical illness, long term disability).
  • That those over the age of 65 has a Representation Agreement AND an Advance Directive.
  • That absolutely every person who is dealing with a life-limiting or life-ending illness has a Representation Agreement AND an Advance Directive – and their family understands their wishes.

Put getting your documents completed at the TOP of your to-do list.


Upcoming Advance Care Planning Sessions

Paul Sugar Palliative Support Foundation, 3743 Delbrook Ave., North Vancouver

Tuesday March 21st: 6 to 8 PM

Tuesday April 11th: 2 to 4 PM

Tuesday May 16th: 6 to 8 PM

Tuesday June 13th: 2 to 4 PM


Additional ACP sessions:

West Vancouver Library (Sponsored by Dying with Dignity Canada), 1950 Marine Dr.

Tuesday march 7th: 1 to 3:30 PM


White Rock Seniors Village, 1183 Maple Street, White Rock

Sunday March 12th: 1 to 3 PM

Sunday April 23rd: 1 to 3 PM


George Mackie Library (North Delta) (Sponsored by Dying with Dignity Canada)

Saturday, September 16: 2 to 4 PM


Ladner Pioneer Library (Sponsored by Dying with Dignity Canada)

Saturday, September 23: 2 to 4 PM


Tsawwassen Library (Sponsored by Dying with Dignity Canada)

Saturday, September 30: : 2 to 4 PM

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