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Baby Boomers and the Death Industry

Linked below is an article recently published in the Globe And Mail on how the preferences and demands of baby boomers are affecting the funeral industry.

While much of the information is accurate, I found it predictably biased because of the quoted sources which represent the two largest corporately owned funeral and cemetery businesses in Canada.

In my opinion the article lacks representation from the funeral providers whose business model vastly deviates from the traditional funeral home. This includes death care providers including death doulas / midwives, death educators and consultants to whom the public are increasingly turning.

Insight is also missing from cemeteries that actually offer green burial options (and are surprisingly affordable – compare $4,300 for green burial at a public cemetery to +$20,000 at a private cemetery owned by either of the two corporate funeral and cemetery companies mentioned in the article).

Not to mention a lack of representation from the average baby boomer consumer who would actually be purchasing these services.

My point is, are the large corporate operations a true voice for the changing landscape of funeral service?

Click on the link and have a read for yourself.

What do you think? Let us know below.

“Baby boomers expected to breathe life into funeral industry”, by Richard Blackwell for the Globe And Mail

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