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Living with Dying: A Conversation Series About End of Life

KORU is fortunate to be included in sharing this upcoming conversation series in April. Please read on to learn all the details. See you there!

“My name is iris, mom of a precocious toddler, and a student of SFU’s End of Life Studies program. This Spring, I’m starting Living with Dying: A Conversation Series About End of Life.

My exploration of death and dying began last Fall as I was processing delayed grief for my parents. What started as a personal journey transformed into academic curiosity. The more I learn about death and dying, the more I’m inspired to live my life more fully and more intensely.

Living with Dying: A Conversation Series About End of Life is a grassroots community event. My hope is to create a safe, open and caring space where all of us mortals can explore and express our thoughts, ideas, and feelings about life and death.

The series will kick off with two events. On April 7th (Making Sense of Life and Death) and April 14th (Remains to be Decided). Please feel free to attend one or both. More details below.”

Session 1: Making Sense of Life and Death

Date: Saturday, April 7th, 2018

Time: 6:30 – 8:30pm

Venue: Vancouver Cohousing, 1733 East 33rd Avenue, East Vancouver

Facilitators: Michelle Pante and Reena Lazar, Co-founders,


Be inspired, informed and engaged as you embark on a personal discovery process like no other. You’ll be encouraged to dig into death and uncover the beauty of your life.

In a creative and interactive workshop, Reena and Michelle will facilitate an inquiry process that supports you to:

  • Explore and articulate the core values that guide your life (and death).

  • Consider how to make sense of death.

  • Uncover your hopes and fears around your inevitable death and dying.

  • Explore meaningful questions like imagining you had limited time to live and what impact that would have on your life.

  • Integrate end of life planning and soulful personal development.

Cost: A suggested donation of $2 for the upkeep of venue. Everyone welcome! No one will be turned away for lack of funds.

Space is limited. Please email to register.


Session 2: Remains to be Decided

Date: Saturday, April 14th, 2018

Time: 6:30 – 8:30 PM

Venue: Vancouver Cohousing, 1733 East 33rd Avenue, East Vancouver

Speaker: Ngaio Davis, Founder and Owner,

KORU Cremation | Burial | Ceremony


Cremation as a form of disposition is chosen far more often in the lower mainland than burial and as such, we recognize the need for greater clarity and education around it.

Ngaio will speak to this through a creative presentation introducing options around cremation and what to do with the cremated remains (ashes) afterwards. She will speak about ceremony that can be created around cremation and demonstrate the practical aspects of dealing with the cremated remains by bringing a variety of different urns and containers that can be used for cremated remains, including, fast-acting bio-degradable urns to self-decorated containers. We will also talk about underwater cemeteries, conventional above-ground cemeteries and the myths surrounding scattering of ashes.

This will be a visual experience, encouraging people to think about their values and needs as it relates to death and cremation and how to bring it all together to create something meaningful.

Q and A will follow after the presentation.

Cost: A suggested donation of $2 for the upkeep of venue. Everyone welcome! NO ONE will be turned away for lack of funds.

Space is limited. Please email to register.

Check out our Facebook Events Page by clicking the links below:

Making Sense of Life and Death

Remains to be Decided

If we’re not reflecting on the impermanent nature of life,

then there are a lot of unimportant things that seem important.

Allison Choying Zangmo

With a grateful heart,

iris paradela-hunter

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